30 November, 2006

St. Andrew

Happy Feast Day!!!

Just a quick post in honor of St. Andrew; brother of St. Peter, Apostle and the Patron Saint of Scotland (among other things). St. Andrew is most famous for the manner of his death...crucified on a "X" shaped cross. This is why the national flag of the Scots depicts a white "X" shaped cross on a blue field. This flag is known as the "Cross of St. Andrew" and is one of the flags incorporated in the national flag of Great Britain.

So happy feast day to all you Scots out there, as well as all my friends in general.

St. Andrew, Pray for us!


Louise said...

Yay! I'm just a dumb German, but I love Scots!

Awesome Sean said...

Scots are merely the Irish who were too dumb to swim back.

Awesome Sean said...

They need our prayers! HA!

Erin Go Braugh!