17 June, 2007

In Honor of my Fore-Fathers

My Fore-Fathers

Now sit you down,
and I'll tell ye,
what you should know
'bout your ancestry.

We start with James,
In Eire 'twas born.
In place of his sons,
fought in Civil War.

William his son,
with wagon did hurry,
to bring back his father,
in Parnell for to bury.

Thomas is next,
gentle and kind,
helped out his neighbours
when help they couldn't find.

Clayton was known
for miles around,
for in village and dale,
his blarney'd abound!

Then there is Tim,
true to his kin,
for God and his fam'ly's
ever dearest to him.

Now mind you well,
now that you know,
to honor their mem'ry,
for you reap what they sowed!
-Brendan Heffron,
12, June, 2007

16 June, 2007

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand He's Back!

I cannot tell you how glad I am to be back State-side (American States that is...)! It seems an eternity since I left...that's what total immersion in a foreign country does to you...and Mexico is sooooo foreign. They seem to take pride in taking the word "foreign" to a whole new level of meaning. Anyway...I can't wait to see my friends again...and yes...Facebook will be back up again soon!

Beuna Suerte me Amigos!!!