29 April, 2007

Hangin' Loose...

Graduation or Commencement, whatever term you prefer, at Sacred Heart Seminary is over as of Saturday. My family came out to see me get an Alumnus Certificate, which does not mean all that much academically speaking, but which meant that I was able to wear my Ave Maria Colors for the first time (SO PROUD OF OUR ALMA MATER...as painful as some of the time was). Funny how every time I "graduate" though I basically am served blanks...well at least a consolation now is that I am going to accredited institutions now.

Speaking of Accredited Institutions...the Graduation ceremony at Sacred Heart was so painless!!! "practice" took all of a half hour (instead of an insanely heated and intense 3 hours or so) and then Graduation itself went without a hitch and was beautiful to boot! It was great to be there to see Thom graduate with his Masters! Although his Masters sleeves makes him look a little "witchy."

Since then I have been hanging out with Thom Peters at various locations around Ann Arbor-Saline. Great to just sit back and relax, and rest up for the next big adventure in my life...MEXICO! Details on Mexico will be coming soon...

1 comment:

Thomas Peters said...


honestly, the adjectives people invent to describe me are quite ... appalling.