09 December, 2007
News one only hears out of Ireland...
"The Garda Siochana police force declined to specify how many kegs have been recovered following the Nov. 29 raid, when a lone man drove a truck into the brewery, hitched up a trailer loaded with 450 kegs and drove straight out through the security gate into rush-hour traffic. Guinness called it the biggest robbery in the 248-year history of the brewery."
-not very well planned...running into rush hour traffic (but then maybe they thought they were the Irish version of the Italian Job).
"The stolen trailer was loaded up with 180 kegs of Guinness stout, 180 kegs of brand Budweiser and 90 kegs of Danish brand Carlsberg."
-One wonders why they didn't just stick to taking the good beer?
-talk about a party...why didn't I get an invitation?
24 November, 2007
Ethan James Heffron
Family picture (Esther was a little upset over something).
Uncle Brendan holds Ethan...aww...so precious!
Rocking Baby Ethan while Jassica and James catch some rest.
Things are going great here at Andrews AFB. Thanksgiving dinner turned out wonderfully (I know...a bit of a pat on the back there...but I liked it). Esther loves the new baby and Ethan is such a good little boy...although he keeps his parents up more at night than his bigger sister did. Love you all see you back home soon!
02 November, 2007
Feast of All Souls
May the Souls of the Faithful Departed
Through the mercy of God
Rest in Peace. Amen
31 October, 2007
The Legend of Jack of the Lantern
One day, Jack was waiting at the crossroads in the hopes that some unwary travelers would come by asking for directions to the Inn (Jack often did this...offering to guide them through the Irish mists in exchange for some money...and would then lead them down the road into the bogs to their dooms). But this night, instead of a stranger coming down the road, the Devil himself met Jack at the crossroads.
"Jack!;" said the Devil, "I've been a'looking for you...seems your time is up and I've come to take you home for your eternal reward."
"Is that so?" Jack asked, considerably shaken but this revelation. "Well then I guess that I am ready to go...but before I do, could you grant me one last earthly request?"
The devil thought this over for a bit and then said "Well now Jack, seeing as I have enjoyed leading you astray for all these years...I guess one last bit of pleasure wouldn't do me harm. What would you like?"
"I would like that apple...there on the topmost branch of this here apple tree...only I cannot get it since I hurt my leg today;" replied Jack.
So up the tree the devil sprang to get the apple...and quick as a cat Jack carved a big cross on the trunk of the tree so that the Devil could not come back down.
"There now Devil," cried Jack, "Come and take away my spirit now!"
"Curse you!" shouted the Devil from the tree, "let me down and I promise I'll not take your spirit tonight or any night hereafter!"
So, with this promise, Jack cut down the tree and down the devil came with it, leaving Jack safe and alive. Yet, all living things must die, and Jack did eventually as well...only he was not allowed in heaven because of his wicked life...nor would the Devil allow him onto Hell...on account of his promise. So now Jack wonders the world with just a little lantern to guide him in the night...hoping to find some place to stay for the night. But he can't even find hospitality on earth...out of fear that he may be up to his old tricks, people carved out turnips and pumpkins with frightening faces to remind him of his evil deeds...thus keeping away Jack O'Lantern.
Happy New Year!...?
However, with the death of the sun god, the souls of the wicked creatures and the dead all run wild on this night. In order to confuse the spirits and keep them from harming the living, the Celtic people devised many "tricks" that are still used to this day (although not for the original intended purpose). Bonfires are still a traditional part of Halloween (Samhain) which were thought to chase away the evil spirits who would think that it was the sun god still living.
Another method of tricking the creatures, was to disguise yourself as one of them so that they would mistake you for one of their own and leave you be. Part of this was that many families would invite the spirits in for a feast, the food would distract them long enough for the living to done costumes...and lead the spirits from the house dancing their way out in the wilderness, away from the homes of the living. But for the timid spirits, just a scary face would do to frighten them away!
Happy Halloween!
28 October, 2007
21 October, 2007
Catechism Class
04 October, 2007
Autumnal Wonders
An old tree in the woods that I thought had interesting branches.
This is my house from the woods across the pond (the second story window is my room).
Another view of Strotheide looking west just past my house.
Love the contrast in this photo!
25 September, 2007
Still Searching...
29 August, 2007
The Big Scoop from a Small Town
28 August, 2007
A Rather Dry Summer
After four years of college and a year of seminary studies and two months in Mexico, I decided that it was high time for me to take a little break from it all. It's difficult to devote almost your entire life to one thing for so long, and yet have the goal still further off. This past year really drained me, but it also showed me that I need some growing up to do. A lot of the guys at the seminary had a few years on their own, working, and living on their own. I call this "living life" or "real life experience." Because I went right from the extreme shelter of home-schooling to four years in small Catholic Colleges and then the seminary, I have not fully (at least to my satisfaction) experienced life to the degree that I feel a candidate for priesthood should. I do not want to be a young priest, who while having all the education possible, lacks any idea of how to live on his own, take care of himself and the day to day cares of 90% of the Catholic population. So this is why I have left seminary formation for the time being (don't worry...I plan to go back someday); to get in touch with the day to day life of normal people and to live a few experiences that my sheltered life has not enabled me to encounter.
So I am now looking for employment, which hopefully pays well and is a job that I like. I have already submitted several application to a variety of places, but have yet to receive any word back. It is already strange not to be back in school this year...after almost 18 years of going to school in the fall...one feels almost like a fish out of water, and more than a little old.
Now you know what I have been up to. I have not been idle, but already I am happy that I made the decision that I did. While it is tough getting over this initially, I believe that I will reap abundant reward from following the will of Christ for my life. So even though the summer has been so dry...there is yet a bit of dew in the mornings!
02 July, 2007
Summer Woes
17 June, 2007
In Honor of my Fore-Fathers
16 June, 2007
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand He's Back!
Beuna Suerte me Amigos!!!
23 May, 2007
¡Poco, Pico y Picante!
Moving on...but still on the subject of bugs...you will have no idea what they served us to eat at the school the other day. Yep...you guessed it...bugs! They were explaining to us some of the foods of Mexico. Among the many itemes that most of us are familiar with, maiz, chiles, mangos, etc...there...in the middle of the table in a glass jar sat a bunch of live bugs (looked similar to really fat stink bugs....the best I can do for visuals...but smelled something like ladybugs). I, of course, refused to eat even one, but a bunch of the other guys (some just to prove that they were a man...what is up with that?) had at least one. Taste was described as akin to Redhots candy. For one of us though...it was not to be the most interesting food expierience of his day...
One of the seminarians...for some stupid idiotic reason...decided that he would just pop a habañero pepper into his mouth. At first he was okay...but then he was not, it took forever to cool down his mouth with milk, fruit, and finally a trip to the ice cream store. His mouth was so red afterwards...it was hard not to laugh at his pain because of his stupid machismo! Anyway...he pulled through alright, but this morning he said that all night his stomach gave him hell...as well we all knew it would!
Well...its still hot down here my friends. I miss you all sooooo much, and cannot wait to see you all again...in three weeks. Love you all...from...
Tu hermano en Jesuchristo!
09 May, 2007
Mi Primera Semana en México
The day after our arrival (Thursday) we went to the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City. Many interesting things there...but I have to say a lot of it was frightening, all sorts of Aztec artifacts, all having to do with human sacrifice...and lots of it at that! It was very weird to think that the things that I was touching and seeing right in front of me, ran with human blood just six hundred years earlier.
On Friday the we all travelled to the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan. We climbed to the top of the Temple of the Sun following in the footsteps of priests who climbed the step incline of the pyramid centuries before us. The view was awesome and the place was truly amazing! Never before have I been in a place so completely ancient...and I did it without even leaving the continent!
The ride to the pyramids was a bit of an adventure though...traffic in Mexico City is just plain crazy. There is next to no order on the streets and they are flooded with cars, buses, motercycles and pedestrians. Many time there seemed to be only a few inches between the side of our bus and the the vehicle next to us...not something that makes you feel very comfortable. Well on the way to the Pyramids our bus bumped (nothing serious) with another vehicle...basically just scraped the side a bit. We were stuck while they sorted out the affair for about an hour before another bus was called to take us the rest of the way to the Pyramids. This bus was not as professional as our previous charter bus...as was proved but the bus driver pulling over at a certain point and dropping off some old tires before continuing on our way...goes without saying that this was a huge reminder to us that we were not in the U.S.A. anymore!
The Next day we went to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The place is absolutely awesome and the devotion that is still given to the Virgin is astounding. The Mexican people have a great gift in this holy place, and I felt so priveledged to be able to visit the place that she appeared and see the Tilma with her image imprinted upon it with mine own eyes. The Tilma was very beautiful, even after all these years, and it was very moving being so close to something so holy.
Needless to say this is a very quick rundown of some of my expieriences in the past few days...but I don´t want to spoil the story telling when I get back...since I get more enjoyment out of telling a story over a few beers with you in person than via the internet. Keep me in your prayers...it is a little hard being in a place that you don´t understand the custumes and the language that well...but I am doing well, so don´t worry about anything! The keyboard is a little weird and everything (including spell check) is in Spanish, so if things don´t look quite right, it is due to the limitations of my understanding. I love you all and miss you all very much...or as they say in Espaniole, te qiero mucho!
Buenas Noches me amigos!
01 May, 2007
Reverse Migration
Now for all of you who have long been demanding that I let you know what is/will be going on...I give you the Itinerary of the next two months!
- May 2, 9am I depart for Mexico from Detroit Airport
- May 2-6 I will be visiting the Mexico City and learning about their history and culture.
- May 6-June 15 I will be in Cuernavaca learning Spanish and living with my Mexican family (Justino and Costanza)
- June 16-24 I will be doing door to door evangelization (or something like that) in some Hispanic communities in Detroit or Flint Michigan.
- June 24 2006...I am finished for the summer
- June 24-July 4 I have completely free and will be packing up my possessions at school and will hopefully be seeing a lot of my friends in the Ann Arbor area before heading back home.
Hopefully I will be able to post to the Bubble while in Mexico...so stay tuned (and pray for this Gringo!)
29 April, 2007
Hangin' Loose...
Speaking of Accredited Institutions...the Graduation ceremony at Sacred Heart was so painless!!! "practice" took all of a half hour (instead of an insanely heated and intense 3 hours or so) and then Graduation itself went without a hitch and was beautiful to boot! It was great to be there to see Thom graduate with his Masters! Although his Masters sleeves makes him look a little "witchy."
Since then I have been hanging out with Thom Peters at various locations around Ann Arbor-Saline. Great to just sit back and relax, and rest up for the next big adventure in my life...MEXICO! Details on Mexico will be coming soon...
24 April, 2007
Medication, Procrastination, and Education
In other news, I have discovered these really cool Tylenol (Extra Strength...read "for Students") caplets. And when I say "cool" I mean it literally. It is a new kind that has been coated with something resembling a breath mint. Once you swallow the pill, your mouth has a minty freshness to it...rather than the icky taste of medicine if you leave it in your mouth too long. The problem is that I find myself liking to take medication now...but rest assured...I do have a headache and needed to take it tonight!
Ah, well, just one more day and I am all finished with this year of education. Wednesday (at approximately 9pm) will see me freed once again of another year's worth of academic slavery!
23 April, 2007
Farewell to the Heart
16 April, 2007
Glücklicher Geburtstag Papst Benedict!
10 April, 2007
I took a bit of a break during Holy Week...not a break in the strict sense since I was very busy...but rather a break from the Internet (or exile?). I have come to the point of such extreme frustration with the dial-up connection that is the only means of Internet access at home, that I have thrown in the towel all together this time and declared war on dial-up. I think that our relationship, while never very good, has been permanently severed, for it refuses to please me and I refuse to honor it by deigning to use its sluggish transmissions.
Thanks be to the Catholic way of doing things however, as I am able to say 'Happy Easter!' to all of you on Easter day...all week long! Christus Ressurexit (Tá Críost éirithe!)! So despite it being 'Easter Tuesday' it is still (Liturgically) Easter Day...I love how that works.
Anyway...just so you all know in case you were wondering. I had a wonderfully blessed Holy Week/Triduum/Easter, and although physically draining, it was also spiritually and emotionally uplifting! I hope and pray that you all had a similar experience this Easter.
I was able to meet with some of you on Easter Monday, but for all the others who I did not have the opportunity to see personally over Easter, know that I missed you and can't wait to see you again soon. God Bless you all!
31 March, 2007
Some Irish Humour!
Mike Mulligan woke up one morning with an huge hangover. Forcing himself to open his eyes, he sees a couple of aspirins and a glass of water on the bedside table. He sits up in bed and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and ironed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotless. He takes the aspirins and sees a note on the table which says
"Breakfast is on the stove, dear. I left early to go shopping. Love you!" He goes to the kitchen and sure enough, there's a hot breakfast waiting for him, and also the morning newspaper. His son is sitting at the table, eating.
Really curious by now, Mike asks, "Son, what happened last night?"
His son says, "Well, Mam said you came home after 3 a.m, you stumbled in the door, threw up in the hallway, and passed out half-way up the stairs."
Confused, Mike asks, "So, why is everything in order and so clean, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?"
His son replies, "Oh, that! Mam dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your trousers off, you yelled "Leave me alone woman, I'm a married man!""
Says Mrs. O'Keefe; "If you were my husband I would poison your tea!"
Says Mr. O'Keefe; "Madame if I was your husband, I would drink it!"
30 March, 2007
Crazy Medievals!
27 March, 2007
Sunset on the Horizon
17 March, 2007
St. Patrick's Day
13 March, 2007
Irish Music Guide
A tribute to one of Ireland's greatest composers and the last wondering bard of Ireland
Haunting choral music done in a style reminiscent of Ireland's past with a modern appeal
Speaking of Dancing! Not quite pure tradition here...but awesome non-the-less (oh and just in case some of you want to see the show...it is coming to Grand Rapids this June I heard...)
Something a little more haunting and modern...but clearly inspired by Irish music!
Enya needs no introduction!
And last but not least...about as mainstream as it gets...albeit not your traditional Irish fare. Still...great band!
11 March, 2007
Return from Exile
02 March, 2007
Je Suis Libre!
27 February, 2007
I just had to say...
26 February, 2007
Seminarian Perks
- Hot Chocolate mix
- Frito Lay Chips, Planters Peanuts and a large bag of Trail Mix
- Some "fun size" candy bars (to fatten us up)
- Dial soap (am I dirty?)
- A large brown paisley (ugly) colored box of Kleenex
- Many pens
- A pad of Paper and envelopes (along with the stamps for easy correspondence)
- Some dress socks (argyle too...lol...now I can look old!)
- Toothpaste (I didn't think that my teeth in my seminarian picture were that yellow)
The thing I like receiving most from back home, however, is the warm support offered in the form of brightly colored construction paper and the fun messages that little children think to put on paper. Here is a little 'illustration' of what I mean:
- "Dear Brendan Heffron, I hope that you get the chance to be a priest" (giving it my best shot Gabriel!)
- "We nou that becoming a priest isn't easy" (I made it easier for you to read by putting in spaces)
- "I hope when you become a preist you will have fun doing it!!!!! (I do too...and yes, all the exclamation points are originals)
- "I love God too. We pray to you every day." (Dear Lord I hope not!!!)
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~" (I think it was supposed to be cursive...seven lines of different colored squiggles!)
- "How is the life of a priest? Should I be a priest?" (Aha! Potential vocation alert!!!)
- "Do you know what Church you will go to?" (A Catholic one!)
- The above also had a nice self portrait of the author, who goes by Zach...potential church artist???
- "I hope you are a good priest and you come to our church." (workin' on that...)
- "I will be praying for you. One reason is that people like you are getting rare." (I think Nick may be getting the vocations poster mixed up with the Endangered Species list)
- "Is it hard to turn into a priest?" (Well I will have to see Harry Potter about that one...)
In all seriousness...I love these notes by the youngest members of what will become my future flock and I wanted to share that with you, my few dear readers. God Bless us all!GRAND RAPIDS ROCKS!!!
24 February, 2007
Arpnelptay seplnlig is not a big dael!
23 February, 2007
Church Bloopers...
- The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
- The sermon this morning: " Jesus Walks on the Water." The sermon tonight: "Searching for Jesus ."
- Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8 PM in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King.
- Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
- The peacemaking meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict.
- Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community.
- Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say "Hell" to someone who doesn't care much about you.
- Miss Charlene Mason sang "I will not pass this way again," giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
- For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
- Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
- The Rector will preach his farewell message after which the choir will sing: "Break Forth Into Joy."
- Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
- A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
- At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be "What Is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practice.
- Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
- Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be cycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
- Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
- The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment And gracious hostility.
- Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
- The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
- This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
- Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B. S. is done.
- The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
- Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door.
- The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare 's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
- Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
- The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new tithing campaign slogan last Sunday: "I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours"
22 February, 2007
Why Catholics Rock
18 February, 2007
E Mare Libertas
13 February, 2007
The (Un)Dixie Chicks
"The band's wry single "Not Ready to Make Nice" won the award for best song...The Dixie Chicks also won record of the year, song of the year and album of the year, in addition to best country album and country performance by a duo or group with vocal."
This is all over the news because the media is spinning it as the Dixie Chicks making a come-back after their infamous statement at a London concert in 2003;What I find interesting about all this, is that many people now love the Chicks...people who never would have liked or listened to their music before their comments. The people who are real fans of their music, however, wish not to support them because they have a world view that runs contrary to good ol' fashioned American ideals. These new "fans" don't care about their music...just what they did. This new "Grammy Award Winning Album" has not sold as much as their previous albums...in fact far below the margin...and this is called a "comeback" and a "validation" of the band in the eyes of the American public?
This is just a shift in their fan base, and after this angry album, the band will have ridden the political wave of their appeal, and not needed anymore will sink into oblivion. This whole thing is not about free speech, but rather is a question as to what is traitorous action as public figures representing the core of American beliefs on foreign soil during a war. People need to relearn the distinction between speaking their mind on American soil and on foreign soil, and that as Americans they should honor and respect the Office of President and the virtues of their country. If they can't do that, then leave!
12 February, 2007
Hope Springs Eternal
04 February, 2007
Well...this is what it said...
You Belong in San Francisco |
03 February, 2007
Snow, Snow, Snow!!!
This week's forecast (otherwise known as what happens when cold air moves over Lake Michigan and then passes over Grand Rapids way)