As some of you may well know, I have a fairly extensive collection of Irish and Celtic music. Since this month of March is particularly dear to the Irish at home or abroad, I thought that I would just post a tribute to the many sounds of Ireland that I have enjoyed over the years, enjoy the photo fest, and know that all of the CD's featured come highly recommended by yours truly.
First...The best of the traditional Irish bands, and the ones who pushed traditional Irish music into the mainstream...The Chieftains!
A tribute to one of Ireland's greatest composers and the last wondering bard of Ireland
Haunting choral music done in a style reminiscent of Ireland's past with a modern appeal
Get your dance on!
Speaking of Dancing! Not quite pure tradition here...but awesome non-the-less (oh and just in case some of you want to see the is coming to Grand Rapids this June I heard...)
Something a little more haunting and modern...but clearly inspired by Irish music!
Enya needs no introduction!
And last but not least...about as mainstream as it gets...albeit not your traditional Irish fare. Still...great band!
Traditional tunes and airs!
Four more days!!!
What no Great Big Sea? Their Irish too, well Irish-Newfies.
Yea...never really got into Great Big Sea. I have heard some of their songs...but as I have do not know too much about them I couldn't recomend them now could I?
very honorable of u and is how it should be
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