One day, Jack was waiting at the crossroads in the hopes that some unwary travelers would come by asking for directions to the Inn (Jack often did this...offering to guide them through the Irish mists in exchange for some money...and would then lead them down the road into the bogs to their dooms). But this night, instead of a stranger coming down the road, the Devil himself met Jack at the crossroads.
"Jack!;" said the Devil, "I've been a'looking for you...seems your time is up and I've come to take you home for your eternal reward."
"Is that so?" Jack asked, considerably shaken but this revelation. "Well then I guess that I am ready to go...but before I do, could you grant me one last earthly request?"
The devil thought this over for a bit and then said "Well now Jack, seeing as I have enjoyed leading you astray for all these years...I guess one last bit of pleasure wouldn't do me harm. What would you like?"
"I would like that apple...there on the topmost branch of this here apple tree...only I cannot get it since I hurt my leg today;" replied Jack.
So up the tree the devil sprang to get the apple...and quick as a cat Jack carved a big cross on the trunk of the tree so that the Devil could not come back down.
"There now Devil," cried Jack, "Come and take away my spirit now!"

So, with this promise, Jack cut down the tree and down the devil came with it, leaving Jack safe and alive. Yet, all living things must die, and Jack did eventually as well...only he was not allowed in heaven because of his wicked life...nor would the Devil allow him onto Hell...on account of his promise. So now Jack wonders the world with just a little lantern to guide him in the night...hoping to find some place to stay for the night. But he can't even find hospitality on earth...out of fear that he may be up to his old tricks, people carved out turnips and pumpkins with frightening faces to remind him of his evil deeds...thus keeping away Jack O'Lantern.
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