Well folks, it looks like it is "Good-bye" to Sacred Heart in Detroit and "Hello" to Mundelein Seminary in Chicago (Mundelein, IL). The Vocation Director from my Diocese (Grand Rapids) came out for his semester visit here in Detroit and gave me the news today. I cannot say that the news was unexpected, or that the news is entirely unwelcome, I will however still be a little sad to leave here. As much as I dislike Detroit, I have grown used to it and can begin to find a little appreciation for her haggard appearance and struggling form. There is great tenacity here among the people and the Seminarians who will be

ministering to the people of this Diocese. My heart goes out to those who I leave behind, but I look forward to my new adventure this fall on the other side of the pond. I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I fill out yet another application form and endure orientation (hopefully for the last time!) again in the fall.
Life is full of new beginnings! Chicago: how delightful!
Yea...Chicago is definetly something to look forward to!
Congratulations! I have been working in Campus Ministry for the past year, and our Campus Minister, Jason Blahnik, was at Mundelein for four years, and will be returning there in the Fall! From his description (and pining!) it sounds like a great place--with, as I can appreciate--a great sense of liturgy. Enjoy your time there!
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