12 February, 2007

Hope Springs Eternal

This weekend I traveled down that all too familiar pathway taking me home to my kith and kin. My parents just got back from a vacation to the Eternal City...so they had much to share and I was very eager to listen. I thought it was pretty cool that I have taught myself enough about the Roman Churches that I was able to identify every church that they took pictures off...lol! Needless to say it makes you look smart in front of the parental units...which is always a plus.

Catching up on the news is a necessary part of coming home. Engagements, pregnancy announcements, death announcements, and birth announcements...are all very necessary. The small insignificant news of country life is laid out in full...as well as what is going on at the parish. Good News! The Catholic grade school at my parish is actually trying to live up to its name. The students are now being taught Latin and Gregorian Chant for the first time in...good Lord knows how long! But its so cool! I am happy that they are getting a rudimentary education in Latin...so important!

Spring is on the way friends! I of course mean that figuratively! The snow did not cease falling during my stay at home (it was light...nothing like Upstate New York) and we are expecting a snow storm to come along soon!

Oh...I ran into Magistra (Dr. Izzo) today! She was visiting with Dr. Wright...and she is doing well! Amo Magistra!

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