18 January, 2010

A Draught from the Pool of Friendship

Despite having some of the best friends in the world, it is possible to sometimes forget how much a person needs to share moments of their lives with their friends. Good friends are made, yet life invades and manages to split and divide us across the face of the planet on our varying paths of life. For a time, we walked side by side down the same glorious path mingled with laughter and tears, toils and bliss; the memories of which sustain our bonds of friendship through the trials of separation.

It has been far too long since our paths last converged, yet I am so overjoyed that they have at last managed to join up again, for a time however brief, at the wedding of my two dear friends, Sean McNally and Meghan Barylak in Cleveland this past weekend. My spirit is uplifted, and I feel a great challange to myself to work more diligently to cultivate the friendships that I have allowed to lapse after the Ave diaspora of 2006. With that said I am going to work at staying in better connection with my friends and hopefully, times are at last beginning to brighten and the dark days of my financial woes may be easing in the very near future...so hopefully I will be able to make some more visits, and more often.

I love all of you that I was able to share this past weekend with, wish more of your were there and that we had a longer, less busy time, to enjoy each other, however, I wouldn't trade this time for the world...Congratulations to Sean and Meghan...words fail to tell how happy I am for you both!

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