05 September, 2006

The Recluse Returns

Despite a rather extended period of dryness in regards to my blog, the arid weather has abated, and I am ready to begin posting again in earnest. I thought that since so much has happened in the past month (hence the arid lack of posts) that you all really do deserve an explaination and a real update on my current status.

The month of August was a flurry of commotion. I completed all the requirements for admission, and was accepted as a seminarian for the Diocese of Grand Rapids in Michigan. I am currently in residence and studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit Michigan. I am in Second Philosophy (which means that my ordination year is roughly 2011...so mark that on your calanders to be in Grand Rapids for that!) and so far am enjoying getting to know the guys here at school. Seminary is interesting...mostly because I have never been at a place that is so predominatly male before...I am not sure if I still know what a woman looks like (yes I am exagerating, but the image is apt I beleive).

So keep me in your prayers, as I will keep you in mine. And stay tuned, the scheduled life of school should help me post more...as well as the fact that I have better internet here at SHMS!

God Bless!

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