21 October, 2007

Catechism Class

Today I taught my third Catechism class at St. Patrick's. Every Sunday morning my sister Maura and I teach Catechism to the most fantastic group of little third graders. The first class was a bit hard for me. I have been in college education for so long that I have sort of forgotten how little children learn and think. Now that I am on my third time though, we are having so much fun...and I actually think that I might be teaching them something! It's so much fun to see their smiling bright young faces get all lit up when they answer a questions correctly or do something pleasing. I love how they call me "Mr. Heffron." I am still getting a handle on maintaining order and discipline while keeping things fun and lively for them (especially since I have mostly little boys...and they tend to be a bit of a rambunctious crowd). Its a bit of work...but I am getting used to preparing lessons and it will be a good experience for me should I return to Seminary or continue as a teacher. I don't think that third graders are where I am best suited as a teacher, but its not like I can't do it. I love all my little students...we are going to have a great year!

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