26 January, 2010

Approaching the Classics

Since leaving home and mingling with other people my age in college and the world in general, I have come to realize that I miss out on a lot of cultural references that my friends would make in general conversation. They would say the oddest things, and while they all knew what was going on, I was left in the dark...with my mind running in circles trying for figure out what European vs. African swallows had to do with anything we were talking about.

Over time, my friends would eventually catch on and ask with astonishment..."You've never seen (insert movie anywhere between 1970-2000)???" My response was almost always yes...and thus was launched my film legends education. I have been introduced to some great films that I love (Amadeus, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, The Bourne films) and some that I could have gone without seeing (Aliens and Alien vs. Predator-thanks Sean, American History X-thanks Felix, Jurassic Park-freaked me out guys!). My education began in the common room of John Vianney (oh happy memories) at Ave. The scary movies I were often accompanied with many screams from me...usually because Sean decided to lunge at my side during particularly intense moments. Oh...the emotional scars!
I am still trying to catch up. I recently saw Donnie Darko for the first time, Liar Liar, Tomb Raider and the Indiana Jones films. Someday I will finish, but until then, I thought I would do a flash from the past movie review every now and then...maybe once a month. So this is fair warning about why I am giving movie reviews years after the movies came out and pretty much everybody has seen them already...but its fun for me. I love discussing movies, and hopefully I can get some feed-back.
P.S. Donnie Darko was pretty interesting...my mind is still trying to figure it out, but a part of me thinks that I am probably thinking about it too hard and that its just meant to be an acid trip or something...not sure...However, despite being weirder than all get out, I liked the film for the most part, it was interesting...however I would have to see it again in order flesh out a real review...

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