While doing a little bit of surfing today, I came across this interesting picture of an old hermitage on the slopes of
Torc Mountain in the Ring of Kerry, Ireland. While struck with the beauty of the place (struck me as looking like a perfect Hobbit-hole of the Shire, ex the round windows and doors) and the grotesque beauty of the twisting branches and brambles that frame the dwelling, I began to think how cool it would be to live there...but the reality hit. That place looks really cold and damp, not to mention small and very, very remote. It's amazing the dedication that drove the old hermits to places like this, to serve God whole-heatedly without any distractions of the world. What a sacrifice!
However...with some running water, central heat, a door and some windows...doesn't look like a bad place to live...could even be called cozy.
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