Ah March! Such a wonderful month of grey skies, intermittently cold winterish weather and warm spring days filled with the enticing scents of fresh fallen rain, warming earth and reawakening plants. March has, however, since my coming to college also become a maligned month. For it is in March that midterms take place and the weight of all the term papers that one has looming before oneself comes to full realization and panic and stress becomes the order of the day for the rest of the semester. Such has been my state of perturbation that my blog has suffered most grievously. I am, however, going to rectify that situation by taking a few moments of my valuable time to post a few words for your edification or misery, depending on how your mood at the moment.
St. Patrick’s day…’twas a grand day in my memory, one that I unfortunately did not have time to honor with a mention in my blog…so, many days late, I dedicate this blog to St. Patrick and the Irish with some of the wonderful tales of his feast day along with a few photographs for your edification.I began the day by toasting with my favorite fellow Iro-American pal, Joe Gates, by toasting our beloved Patron in the wee hours of the feast and downing the most appropriate drink we could find…some St. Brendan’s Irish Cream Liquor. Slaite!
Then, in the morning, in preparation for the grand feast in the evening, Monica, Joe, and I went shopping…and for those of you who know the three of us…suffice it to say that it was a very interesting day.The rest of the day was spent in frenzied but most enjoyable baking, decorating, and enjoying the music of the Irish (the most musical people with the most beautiful music in the world…after all, what other nation’s national emblem is a musical instrument?) with my favorite Irish friends (Sean, Joe, and Meghan) in the president’s house. I was immersed the whole day in flour up to my elbows, but it was great, I love baking and the Potato-Apple cake, Soda Bread, Scones, and all the other treats that make Irish eating so wonderful (plus lots…and LOTS of Butter!!!)
The Céilí (Dance/Social Event) came off wonderfully well, and I do not think that I have to tell you about it for there are memories, and where there are not memories, there are pictures. Thank you so much to all who helped make this wonderful day possible, to the AMC Student Government, Monica Williams (who I could not have done without), Joe Gates, Sean McNally, Meghan Barylak, Nick Rottman, Catherine Nolan, Emily Herbel (huge thanks to you!!!), Ronnie-Lynn Ward, Theodora Ferrant and Hiedi Fenton (for making it possible for us to use the President’s house kitchen) and all who helped clean up after the dance.
The rest of the evening was spent with Ryan Vershay, Natalie Zmuda, Monica Williams, Thom Peters and Joe Gates drinking Guinness and enjoying each others company with toasts and games and the ever Irish art of conversation.
I will now end this post with an Irish toast and two Irish sayings for your edification.
Here's to a temperance supper,
With water in glasses tall,
And coffee and tea to end with
And me not there at all!
God made time, but man made haste.
Get down on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet!
1 comment:
the party was awesome! many thanks to you for putting it on! the irish certainly know how to party and have a good time! you're awesome bren! luv ya! :)
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