I came across an interesting site today while I was browsing other things on the internet. I thought I would share it with whoever still reads this ole thing (I keep trying to get back into the habit of writing down things in here, but tis so difficult, despite being such an essentially simple thing to do). In Co. Cork, Ireland, a reforestation effort has been launched with a unique twist. Ireland is one of the least forested of all European countries, so to help with the costs of planting a bit of Ireland back to forest, a group of people in Ireland have launched a memorial program that honors a deceased loved one with a tree and a plaque planted in this forest of remembrance.
I think that it is something very interesting and unique, and sounds like a great thing to do, especially for us Irish-Americans, who would otherwise not leave any mark on the old country. If you want to check it out, I have provided a
link...it's pretty cool and worth checking out!!!