Graduation or Commencement, whatever term you prefer, at Sacred Heart Seminary is over as of Saturday. My family came out to see me get an Alumnus Certificate, which does not mean all that much academically speaking, but which meant that I was able to wear my Ave Maria Colors for the first time (SO PROUD OF OUR ALMA painful as some of the time was). Funny how every time I "graduate" though I basically am served blanks...well at least a consolation now is that I am going to accredited institutions now.
Speaking of Accredited Institutions...the Graduation ceremony at Sacred Heart was so painless!!! "practice" took all of a half hour (instead of an insanely heated and intense 3 hours or so) and then Graduation itself went without a hitch and was beautiful to boot! It was great to be there to see Thom graduate with his Masters! Although his Masters sleeves makes him look a little "witchy."
Since then I have been hanging out with Thom Peters at various locations around Ann Arbor-Saline. Great to just sit back and relax, and rest up for the next big adventure in my life...MEXICO! Details on Mexico will be coming soon...
29 April, 2007
24 April, 2007
Medication, Procrastination, and Education
I should be writing a paper right now, but as it is, I have absolutely no interest in the subject nor desire to finish the paper. On top of this, is that the paper is due...and I quote, on "Wednesday, April, 23." Not only, as I have just discovered, is April 23rd a Monday but there is no mention of a time...which I must conclude means that it is due by 11:59 I still have time right?
In other news, I have discovered these really cool Tylenol (Extra "for Students") caplets. And when I say "cool" I mean it literally. It is a new kind that has been coated with something resembling a breath mint. Once you swallow the pill, your mouth has a minty freshness to it...rather than the icky taste of medicine if you leave it in your mouth too long. The problem is that I find myself liking to take medication now...but rest assured...I do have a headache and needed to take it tonight!
Ah, well, just one more day and I am all finished with this year of education. Wednesday (at approximately 9pm) will see me freed once again of another year's worth of academic slavery!
In other news, I have discovered these really cool Tylenol (Extra "for Students") caplets. And when I say "cool" I mean it literally. It is a new kind that has been coated with something resembling a breath mint. Once you swallow the pill, your mouth has a minty freshness to it...rather than the icky taste of medicine if you leave it in your mouth too long. The problem is that I find myself liking to take medication now...but rest assured...I do have a headache and needed to take it tonight!
Ah, well, just one more day and I am all finished with this year of education. Wednesday (at approximately 9pm) will see me freed once again of another year's worth of academic slavery!
23 April, 2007
Farewell to the Heart
The past year has been one of many joys and sorrows. It has seen me leaving my beloved Ave Maria College community and joining the fast growing ranks of Catholic Seminarians. I studied my first year at the come now bursting at the seams Sacred Heart Major Seminary and after a Spanish language trip to Mexico with SHMS, I will find myself joining the rest of my diocesan brothers at Mundelein Seminary in Illinois.
The prayers of the faithful are paying off! Keep up the prayers and know that they are being put to good use...for those of you in the pews, you will be experiencing this in about five-ten years! Keep your chins up! The Reign of Terror is Ended!
I have one more week to spend at the Heart (as it is often called) and although it took me a while to get used to, and learn to like, the place (it is Detroit and I am from the country after all) I have grown accustomed to the place. I will miss her, as well as all the wonderful seminarians currently attending this hallowed institution. I have great hope for the future of the Church in Detroit as well as the rest of Michigan, having had but a small sample of the future leaders of Detroit and many of the Dioceses of Michigan. The local Church here in Michigan is on the verge of a new and great springtime, just as Pope John Paul the Great (of blessed and holy memory) predicted of the entire Church.

16 April, 2007
Glücklicher Geburtstag Papst Benedict!
10 April, 2007
I took a bit of a break during Holy Week...not a break in the strict sense since I was very busy...but rather a break from the Internet (or exile?). I have come to the point of such extreme frustration with the dial-up connection that is the only means of Internet access at home, that I have thrown in the towel all together this time and declared war on dial-up. I think that our relationship, while never very good, has been permanently severed, for it refuses to please me and I refuse to honor it by deigning to use its sluggish transmissions.
Thanks be to the Catholic way of doing things however, as I am able to say 'Happy Easter!' to all of you on Easter day...all week long! Christus Ressurexit (Tá Críost éirithe!)! So despite it being 'Easter Tuesday' it is still (Liturgically) Easter Day...I love how that works.
Anyway...just so you all know in case you were wondering. I had a wonderfully blessed Holy Week/Triduum/Easter, and although physically draining, it was also spiritually and emotionally uplifting! I hope and pray that you all had a similar experience this Easter.
I was able to meet with some of you on Easter Monday, but for all the others who I did not have the opportunity to see personally over Easter, know that I missed you and can't wait to see you again soon. God Bless you all!
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