There are many interesting stories about St. Kevin, as is true of any Irish Saint (or sinner for that manner...). St. Kevin had a fondness for wild creatures and is often referred to as the "St. Francis of Ireland" (However as St. Kevin was first I think that St. Francis should be referred to as the St. Kevin of Italy...but that’s just me). One story goes that a blackbird laid an egg in the

Another story goes that the ancient king of that region had a pet goose (why I do not know) who was getting on in years and could no longer fly. The King petitioned the Saint to make the bird young again (why...again I have no clue). Saint Kevin said that he would, on condition that the King grant him all the land that the bird could fly over. As the bird could not fly...the King granted the request. No sooner where the words out of his mouth when the goose took off in flight and flew over the land that Saint Kevin had his eye on for a monastery (any bets he and the goose where in cahoots?). Thus the monastic community of Glendalough was founded, through the generosity of an old bird that was too tough for dinner...I think that we need more old kings with pet geese, I like monasteries!
My favorite story is of how the saint overcame the amorous advances of a certain young lady who had taken a fancy to him. Kathleen, a young lass with "eyes of most unholy blue," fell in love with the handsome young hermit Kevin, and pursued him in his secluded hermitage. Before she reached him, the saint felt her presence approaching and immediately flung himself into a patch

The images, uploaded for your viewing pleasure, are of the ruins of Glendalough (which you can still visit if you are ever in County Wicklow) and artistic representations of the saint.

St. Kevin - pray for us.